Writing new posts

  • Start with copying a template page (like this one) from _posts directory
  • Change the name of the file to YYYY-MM-DD.markdown
  • Change the top --- portion of the file
  • open terminal and navigate to root of the project and type bundle exec jekyll serve
  • open web browser with url localhost:4000
  • after saving modified post file in text editor, jekyll will rebuild the page automatically and just refresh the page in browser
    • saving the _config file will not regenerate the page automatically. You have to stop and start the jekyll serve again


  • I have the https://www.markdownguide.org/basic-syntax/ opened at all times.
  • Lists
    • Unordered lists start with * (add a tab to indent list)
      1. Ordered lists
      2. Ordered lists
        1. Indented
        2. Indented
          • Unordered
  • Heading # (start with two ##, because heading # is reserved for page title)
  • Escaping characters is done with \
  • Links: My favorite search engine SHOULD BE Duck Duck Go, but I use Google Chrome.

Above but in markdown

* I have the [https://www.markdownguide.org/basic-syntax/](https://www.markdownguide.org/basic-syntax/) opened at all times. 
* Lists
	* Unordered lists start with `*` (add a tab to indent list)
		1. Ordered lists
		1. Ordered lists
			1. Indented
			1. Indented
				* Unordered
* Heading `#` (start with two `##`, because heading `#` is reserved for page title)
* Escaping characters is done with `\`	
* Links: My favorite search engine SHOULD BE [Duck Duck Go](https://duckduckgo.com), but I use Google Chrome.

Too bad I have to remember copying the syntax to the markdown code below to have it updated.

Override the layout


For me:

  • I had the default layout which is ‘minima’
  • Checked in console path to my ruby installation (therefore the layout files):
    • git bash here in the project root
    • bundle info --path minima
    • it said: C:/Ruby26-x64/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/gems/minima-2.5.0
  • I only wanted to modify the home page, so i created _layouts/ and copied the home.html from the ruby path there.

Installation of the whole web page

After you will have gem installed open terminal and here’s quick start instructions (from site jekyllrb.com):

gem install bundler jekyll
jekyll new my-awesome-site
cd my-awesome-site
bundle exec jekyll serve

Now browse to http://localhost:4000


  1. Installing github-pages jekyll plugin
    • from (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58598084/how-does-one-downgrade-jekyll-to-work-with-github-pages)[https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58598084/how-does-one-downgrade-jekyll-to-work-with-github-pages]
     The current version of github pages requires you set use Jekyll 3.8.5 and github-pages 202. When I set this up, I also had to set a specific version for jekyll feed. Here's the relevant lines you need in your Gemfile:
     gem "jekyll", "~> 3.8.5"
     gem "github-pages","~> 202" , group: :jekyll_plugins
     # If you have any plugins, put them here!
     group :jekyll_plugins do
       gem "jekyll-feed", "~> 0.11.0"
     After that, try removing your Gemfile.lock and running bundle install.
  2. Installing github-metadata offline
    • add gem "jekyll-github-metadata" to <rootOfProject>/Gemfile
    • add
            - "jekyll-github-metadata"

      to _config.yml

    • https://github.com/jekyll/github-metadata

    Then write {{ site.github }} to see what you can use in your site.

  3. Formatting date (https://learn.cloudcannon.com/jekyll/date-formatting/)[https://learn.cloudcannon.com/jekyll/date-formatting/
  4. Jekyll uses Liquid code, here’s basics, tags, filters:
    • https://shopify.github.io/liquid/filters/sort/
    • https://learn.cloudcannon.com/